Misc Info
This section contains miscellaneous topics that don't fit very well anywhere else.
Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
We've moved to Enhanced Edition! If you had characters with us from Arleah's 4.0 era, please reach out to Chaszmyr to have your characters ported from the old vault system to the new vault system; please provide your old vault name and new vault name so characters can be moved.
If your approval-based race/feat was approved before the jump to EE, you will need quickly verified and approved by a DM in game; this should be a quick and painless bypass of our new level 1 content restriction system.
The PRC adds quite a lot of level 1 content to the game, which is now directly accessible during character creation; please be sure that you are reviewing level 1 content descriptions for permission before selecting it. Spellfire Wielder is a level 1 only feat that requires permission. We also have many races that require permission. If you see any level 1 content that looks odd/unsupported, please report it to Chaszmyr right away.
Bringing Back Old Characters
Arleah 3.0 and Arleah 4.0 brought vault wipes with them. These characters are not necessarily gone; this resource is here to help catch up players on what they need to know if they plan to bring back a character that was dropped by a fault wipe.
For starters, different eras of Arleah are referred to by certain 'version numbers' by the playerbase, cover different time periods, and are treated somewhat differently.
Arleah 1.0 - 2002 to 2006
Arleah 2.0 - 2007 to 2012
Arleah 3.0 - 2013 to 2016
Arleah 4.0 - 2016 (current)
Time Continuity
Duration of Arleah 1.0 (unspecified - probably about 15-20ish years?)
Time jump between 1.0 and 2.0 - 100 years
Duration of Arleah 2.0 (unspecified - probably about 10-15ish years?)
Time jump between 2.0 and 3.0 - ~5-10 years
Duration of Arleah 3.0 (roughly 10 years)
Time jump between 3.0 and 4.0 - 20 years
Time progression from 4.0 onwards is going to be far slower; more along the lines of 1:1, 2:1, 3:1; previously 6:1.
Does this mean your character got old and died? Maybe - but we're willing to work with players who want to bring old characters back despite age issues, please contact a DM if you have such a case!
Does this mean your character got deleted? Yes and no - the vault wiped for 3.0 launch and again for 4.0 launch. Characters are saved, but will not be directly uploaded to the 4.0 vault, as there are incompatibilities and balance issues with older characters. Instead, we offer a 'Candyland' service for returning PCs; if you have a character that existed prior to 4.0, they are eligible for some boosts to represent their past adventuring. All returning characters will be permitted to outfit themselves in a decent amount of gear and some gold, as well as an immediate boost to level 30.
If you have a returning character, please ask a DM for a trip to Candyland. Please note that not all DMs will have requested copies of the old vaults, that is their decision, so there may be a bit of a wait for a DM that has, or an administrator.
As for roleplay tokens, we consider roleplay tokens to be account wide and retroactive, meaning that every verifiable token you have earned since the day they were first handed out way back when (we verify with the old vault archives) is valid and we will return your token total to you regardless of vault wipes.
Finally, any significant old memorabilia from plots in days past can be ported up through. Please discuss this with an administrator, as the lists for 3.0 are fairly set in stone and anything before that is a total crap shoot. This is very time consuming work but we're willing to do it for nostalgia.
If you have any concerns that are not covered here, please send me a PM.
Arleah Vampire Ruleset
Truly one of the most exotic and dangerous forms of undeath, vampirism is widely feared and sought out by only mad fools. Though hunters and well educated individuals may know of many classic methods to slay vampires or possibly even identify one who is masquerading as a living humanoid, this information is usually shrouded in folklore and misinformation, much to the benefit of vampire-kind. Though many have such incredible strength that they choose to act openly, most strive to live in secrecy amongst their food. This playstyle can be extremely rewarding for those up for the great challenge of juggling the many weaknesses and features of a vampire.
The purpose of this writeup is to give a rundown of what basic information the average person may know upwards of more detailed information that a night hunter would have gleaned from hunting vampires for a long time. Use your discretion or perhaps judge based on the Lore skill of your character. Please note that with our homebrewed vampires, assumptions can be dangerous and some efforts to coordinate on an OOC level would go a long way before speaking or emoting on behalf of a potential vampiric PC.
This writeup also features a few distinctions between ‘vampire spawn’ and the true PC lineage of vampires on Arleah. To any character that has not had this difference explained to them in game, a vampire would be a vampire; only a select few outside of the true lineage itself would have knowledge of its history and workings.
Specifics and secrets are not well defined in this public writeup, as the temptation of metagaming may be too great. This sort of information would make a better challenge to learn and try out via in character means. There are also a few details of how we treat vampires that are withheld even from the vampire PCs themselves as being turned does not automatically grant all knowledge of their affliction.
The philosophy of our server community describes Cardathia as a unique setting free from D&D and other story resources; our undead are no different. Suggestions are one thing, but arguing that vampires are one way or another in D&D, Vampire the Masquerade, or the pen and paper game that Jim-Bob ran for you three and a half years ago will not move us.
Vampires must drink the blood of the living to sustain themselves. Though many stories of vampires may feature a secretive vampire dwelling amongst the living and some may center upon an unholy night-monster that rips the innocent in half to gorge upon their blood in a mad rage, all agree that vampires seek blood above all else.
While most bloodless creatures (undead, constructs, and elementals) are quite obvious, some other individuals with blood oddities may be harder to detect, such as Blood Archers.
It is said that magical blood may be more or less desirable depending on the creature in question, and could vary from vampire to vampire as well.
Many vampires may choose to feed upon non-sentient creatures, such as animals. Perhaps they feel guilt, and do not wish to harm anyone? Or perhaps this is mere convenience, or a safer meal without fear of being caught?
The Sun
True sunlight is anathema to vampires; it is well known that there is no possible way for a vampire to face the light of day unharmed. Stories range from spontaneous combustion to a slow fade to dust.
While Darkness style magics seem like they could enable a vampire to be an unstoppable daywalker, they would only delay the inevitable by mere minutes.
A vampire active during the day but not in sunlight is certainly possible, though they would be greatly sapped of their strengths. Few vampires would allow themselves to be this vulnerable for any reason.
The very existence of a vampire is one of evil. Any Good aligned humanoid that is turned would either seek help, or seek their own end. Should a Good aligned individual ever be fully turned, their new nature would overwhelm and destroy the old. Younger vampires have far less control of their condition and urges as well; this would generally be a full hit to Evil, not a gentle jaunt down to Neutral.
Due to the change in alignment and nature, most vampires with a magic familiar would probably require a bat or rat familiar, or other creature not disgusted with their new condition.
Vampires with Turn Undead should be evil to ensure that their turn undead feat Rebukes rather than Turns.
Rumored Strengths
Vampires are truly powerful creatures, though no two vampires are exactly alike. Many veteran hunters are shocked to find even seemingly weak vampires that possess innate abilities that they did not think possible previously.
It is said that vampires may be able to learn things about their victims through blood itself. No hunter is keen on finding out how this works, or to what extent…
Vampires can’t be killed just by damaging them. There must be some surefire way to kill them properly.
Some vampires can turn into gaseous mist and float away to escape.
Being bitten by a vampire will turn you into a vampire, too! Then the vampire will have an army!
Some hunters have shared stories of vampires who could affect their mind. Maybe they were just mages, in addition to being vampires?
Vampires are faster and stronger than they were in life, and cannot feel pain. Their senses are heightened tenfold from when they still lived and breathed.
As a powerful undead, vampires are truly difficult to damage, even by magical means.
Rumored Weaknesses
Always a subject of great interest to night hunters, the more known weaknesses the better as far as they are concerned, as many vampires have taken steps to resist or counteract their own vulnerabilities.
A hungry vampire is a terrible thing; the facade of life should surely fade if a vampire has not fed recently. While an unhealthy pallor is not in and of itself a sign of vampirism, a starved vampire must look like a truly unholy creature indeed.
A vampire’s coffin is highly relevant to them for some reason. A vampire will rarely stray far from their coffin or leave it undefended.
Holy water and possibly even healing potions may be poisonous to vampires or cause them fear.
Many hunters bedeck themselves in garlic, or hang it up to ward off vampires. Perhaps it needs to be eaten by those who fear vampire attacks as well?
Holy symbols or holy relics have been used to repel vampires, or so the stories say.
Many tales of vampire slayings involve a wooden stake to the heart. Maybe that is the only way to kill them for sure?
Vampires can’t cross running water. Or maybe they just can’t touch running water?
Being undead, just about anything known to work against the undead should surely work against a vampire. No matter how powerful, undeath is undeath!
Many vampires avoid mirrors. Are they afraid, or perhaps they don’t cast a reflection?
Arleah Lycanthrope/Werecreature Ruleset
The most horrible and devastating curse known in any land is the Curse of Lycanthropy. Known to pass from individual to individual through the bite of a lycanthrope, this irreversible affliction is consequently the most feared condition one can possess, and as a result werekind are shunned wherever they make their infection known. This role can provide a wonderful challenge and allow for a unique character feel that no class or base race can hope to experience.
The purpose of this writeup is to give a basic overview of what superstitions the average person may know upwards of some more detailed information that a were-hunter would have gleaned from hunting werecreatures for a long time. Use your discretion or perhaps judge based on the Lore skill of your character.
Specifics and secrets of werekind are not included in the public version of this writeup, as the temptation of metagaming may be too great and information of this nature is far more fun to glean through in character means. There are also some details withheld even from werecreature PCs as being bitten does not instantly confer certain information to them.
Arleah's philosophy describes Cardathia as a unique setting free from D&D and other story resources; our werecreatures are no different. Suggestions are one thing, but arguing that werecreatures are one way or another in D&D, Whitewolf, or the pen and paper game that Jim-Bob ran for you three and a half years ago will not move us.
The Moon
During the full moon, lycanthropes transform into horrible half-beast humanoids. Steeped in feral rage, werecreatures attack, maim, kill and feed upon living creatures unfortunate enough to cross their path.
The Beast Within
A transformed werecreature is a dangerous thing; the strong body of a monstrous animal, the cunning of a humanoid, all tied together with the unnatural power and boundless rage inherent in the Curse. Terrible tales and fables are told of werewolves who transform, only to slaughter those whom they love most.
The most well known (and that is not to say that EVERYONE knows it) weakness for werekind is silver. Werecreatures have never been an overwhelming threat in Cardathia, and as a result silver-enhanced weaponry and the means to craft it is not readily available.
It is fairly well known that lycanthropy spreads through the bite of a werewolf. What is not well known is that being bitten does not guarantee that infection will occur, and being infected does not guarantee that transformation will occur.
The transformation process can be slow and drawn out or rapid, but to witness it is a terrible sight. The body remains humanoid throughout, however, bones readjust, musculature shifts, flesh melts like wax and fur sprouts in the blink of an eye. The howls of a transforming werecreature is all one needs to know about how painful the process is.
While lycanthropes are not inherently evil or chaotic, the beast within is very distinctly not a nice influence on either of these things. A good aligned werecreature places innocents in danger simply by being around them even if to help them, and a lawful werecreature will find it very difficult to hold to the laws of a civilization that would hunt them down if their condition was known. An individual of good or lawful alignment will be very hard pressed to maintain it after being infected.
Favored Soul Wings
Favored Souls gain wings on level 17 that reflect their deity. The PRC, by default, represents this as generic white wings for Good, generic tan fiend wings for Evil, and generic 'bird' wings for Neutral. This is a big part of the theme of Favored Soul; We are willing to work with any Favored Soul if there are more thematically appropriate wings available. Tails and VFX horns are not off the table either.
Some caveats: precedent matters quite a bit, and we reserve the right to veto anything that we don't think is thematically appropriate or is too far out of precedent with previous Favored Souls of the same deity. It would be more accurate to say that you are asking us to present you with a few options that we feel are fitting for the deity in question, not yay-or-nay a wishlist of goodies you deliver to us. CEP affords us quite a lot of unusual wing options, we'll be able to dig up better stuff for you most likely.
If interested, please contact an administrator. There is no token cost for this.
Extraplanar Ruleset
We take the outer planes very seriously. The outer planes are inaccessible outside of DM-run events; the areas are generally created for single events and then removed afterwards. We will run extraplanar events where fitting; it is recommended to declare your intention by submitting a request to the DM team.
While Arleah is not a hardcore ruleset server by default, player characters are subject to a hardcore ruleset in the outer planes. We will not fully divulge what our charts or processes are here, only that we will be as authentic as possible to the plane itself, the deity/entity who presides over the domain in question, the reason that the character is there, etc.
Though extreme results will usually be reserved only for the worst sort of circumstances, characters are subject to any and all decision made by the DM running the event, up to and including permanent character death. This will usually not be the case unless the factors are extremely stacked against you, but we will not hear any second guessing; by entering the plane, you agree to this maximum potential risk in exchange for the maximum potential rewards you are pursuing. To make things fair, the dice rolls are pre-written, with factors that may work in your benefit or to your detriment. The DM running your extraplanar event will ask you for one or more dice rolls and we will all proceed with the result from the chart. To keep things a surprise, this chart is not publicly available.
Feel free to submit a 'pre-request' to the DM team for discussion if you believe you have a fitting scenario for an extraplanar adventure!